Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Set

Tada! Here is the completed set (i.e. the interior of the bakery). To those who already asked me, yes, I built and painted the walls, shelves, counters, ovens, etc... There are details in the kitchen that will never be noticed the first time you see the film, such as the crown mouldings that look like it has baked goods in it. In Italian, this type of baked goods is actually like a biscuit and made from a ring of dough. It is known as "taralli".
A special thanks goes out to Cuppa Coffee Studios for donating items available for us to use. Although I created the entire set, I was able to use extra props like the cupcakes/bottles/boxes on the shelves to fill in empty spaces thanks to Cuppa Coffee. I made some of the foods, like the bread, the pastries on the moulding, some cakes etc... but it saved me a lot of time to be able to fill some of the other plates with what was already donated by them.

Notice how the set is on a platform. This is necessary to secure the puppets in place on the set, by means of really strong rare earth magnets. The magnets hold the feet in place from below, while the puppets stands firmly on top of the floor.

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